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(M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.

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MessageSujet: (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center. (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  Icon_minitime1Mer 3 Juil - 13:45

AVATAR + Même si j'adoooooooooore Colton, il est négociable. PSEUDO + Isaac P² Miller (négociable). NIVEAU RP + Je ne suis absolument pas exigente, 15 lignes me suffisent, et un niveau de Français correct. ACTIVITÉ + Je dirais au moins une fois la semaine, sauf en cas d'absences bien sur :) AUTRES + Je souhaiterais simplement que les liens soit respectés. Il sagit là d'un lien amoureux et d'un lien d'amitié.

reese witherspoon
Thaïs A. Payne

Relation amoureuse • Isaac et Thaïs, c'est une longues histoire. Ils se connaissent depuis toujours, quand ils étaient encore à San Francisco. Les deux jeunes gens ont toujours été très proches et se sont rapprochés au fil du temps, sans jamais se mettre en couple. Lors du départ de Isaac, Thaïs a accumulé beaucoup de rancœur envers le jeune homme qui ne l'avait pas prévenu de son départ. Dès l'arrivée de Thaïs au camp, les relations ont été tendues, mais petit à petit ils sont devenues plus proches que jamais et sont aujourd'hui tout près de se mettre en couple. Même si Thaïs garde à l'esprit ce qu'elle considère comme une trahison de la part de Isaac.
reese witherspoon
Austin H. Sheperd

meilleur ami. • Ils se sont rencontrés au camp, à l'arrivé de Isaac, Austin a en quelques sortes pris Isaac sous son aile. Ils se sont à l'instant entendues à merveilles, et sont aujourd'hui meilleurs amis.
reese witherspoon
prénom nom.

nature du lien • écrire ici.

reese witherspoon
prénom nom.

nature du lien • écrire ici.
reese witherspoon
prénom nom.

nature du lien • écrire ici.
reese witherspoon
prénom nom.

nature du lien • écrire ici.

Isaac Miller

Je suis prénom(s) et nom complet s'il y a plusieurs prénoms, mais on me surnomme souvent surnom. J'ai actuellement 19 ans et je suis fils d'Apollon (négociable) . J'ai vu le jour à à San Francisco, le libre. Je suis hétérosexuel et bientôt en couple. Je vis à la Colonie des Sang-Mêlés depuis 3 ans. Je suis quelqu'un de charmeur, déterminé, protecteur, au choix, au choix mais je suis aussi têtu, impulsif, trop confiant, au choix, au choix. Je suis un THÊTA, je tiens le rôle de simple résident pour le moment. Mon avatar est celui de Colton Haynes. Les crédits des images sont tumblr (x2).

> Isaac est le fils d'Apollon. Les points importants à respecter sont:

> Il a toujours été très proche et très amis de Thaïs, à San Francisco ils passaient tout leur temps ensemble, sans pour autant sortir ensembles. Il se sont toujours plu et tournés autour sans jamais concrétiser leur relation. Isaac est arrivé il y a trois ans au camp, deux mois avant Thaïs, et quand ils se sont retrouvés là bas, la surprise fût grande le fait de découvrir qu'ils étaient tout les deux dans cette même situation les a rapproché. Une grande attirance lie les deux jeunes gens qui se livreront à une vraie passion. Ils se soutiendront mutuellement. Au début Thaïs en voulait à Isaac qui n'avait pas prévenu de son départ, mais ils finiront par se mettre ensembles.

> Il est le meilleur amis de Austin, (l'histoire sera à construire avec lui.)

Pour le reste, l'histoire est totalement libre ! Il est possible de proposer des négociations sur l'histoire mais je me réserve le droit de refuser les modifications si elles ne me plaisent pas ! Voilà voilà ! **

Il détient le précieux don de guérison. (négociable)

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MessageSujet: Re: (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center. (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  Icon_minitime1Sam 13 Juil - 20:13

Merci, tout d'abord de vous intéresser à ce scénario. Sachez que, si vous choisissez ce scénario, vous serez vénérés, je vous ferais une fête de ouf !

(M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  2956865086 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  2065070457 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  3354945041 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  186752330 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  569952837 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  2757382273 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  2363940832 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  2363940832 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  1885269615 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  1885269615 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  789438917 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  789438917 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  2852649087 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  1240677201 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  1240677201 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  1240677201 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  3724077718 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  3724077718 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  3987951686 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  3987951686 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  1921963255 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  2793305985 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  1033458590 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  2709717686 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  3794036958 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  356950409 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  968191490 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  2657364667 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  4122604192 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  2414190917 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  2414190917 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  1929308793 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  1929308793 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  3582712154 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  3582712154 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  328561350(M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  328561350(M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  328561350(M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  328561350(M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  328561350(M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  328561350(M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  328561350(M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  328561350:  !

Sur ce XOXO les amis !
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Austin H. Sheperd
Austin H. Sheperd

✗ j'ai posté : 265 ✗ drachmes : 238 ✗ j'occupe le poste de : Chef du bungalow d'Aphrodite. ✗ enfant de : Aphrodite. ✗ je suis : disponible quand tu me veux. ✗ je suis disponible : Reese - Elektra - libre
✗ on me connait sous : goodmemories / Chloé ✗ je ressemble à : Alex Pettyfer ✗ ceci appartient à : TEARSFLIGHT ✗ moi, schizophrène ? : mathis e. hopkins

MessageSujet: Re: (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center. (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  Icon_minitime1Sam 13 Juil - 21:36

Oui oui on attend vraiment colton, il sera aimé et chéri par tous (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  186752330 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  1684137470 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  1959731423 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  2065070457 (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  569952837 
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MessageSujet: Re: (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center. (M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.  Icon_minitime1

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(M - LIBRE) COLTON HAYNES, What is passion? This is an irresistible attraction. Like a magnetic needle that has found its center.

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